The weather was finally nice enough to venture outside for some needed fresh air. I tend to hover and try to protect all the time, any time, every time. It was tough, but this time, I decided to lay low, stand back and let her be. Of course, something happened. She'd mastered the steps in the house, so this little one outside didn't seem like a big deal. I "know" it's not my fault, but I still feel guilty. That gut-wrenching, stomach-twisting, make you cry, "if only..." guilt that I can't seem to let go of. I know I can't protect her from every harm of this world, but I can try, right? I think it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do, so far, and know it probably won't get any easier...this thing called letting go. It's a balancing act. Being there for someone, loving them, guiding them, teaching them...then allowing them to figure out this world and do what works for them.
I will be there for my daughter, but will also try (that's a big TRY) to let her explore and experience what she needs to. I guess I knew it before it job, as her mom. Aww, a balancing act indeed.
Very well put. We would like to put our children in a plastic bubble, to keep them close and protect them their whole lives, but that's not what our job is as parents. It's to love them unconditionally, teach them right from wrong, let them experience life and make mistakes, then let them go. That's the hardest part, at any age.....