Friday, December 3, 2010

Balancing Act.

The weather was finally nice enough to venture outside for some needed fresh air. I tend to hover and try to protect all the time, any time, every time. It was tough, but this time, I decided to lay low, stand back and let her be. Of course, something happened. She'd mastered the steps in the house, so this little one outside didn't seem like a big deal. I "know" it's not my fault, but I still feel guilty. That gut-wrenching, stomach-twisting, make you cry, "if only..." guilt that I can't seem to let go of. I know I can't protect her from every harm of this world, but I can try, right? I think it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do, so far, and know it probably won't get any easier...this thing called letting go. It's a balancing act. Being there for someone, loving them, guiding them, teaching them...then allowing them to figure out this world and do what works for them.
I will be there for my daughter, but will also try (that's a big TRY) to let her explore and experience what she needs to. I guess I knew it before it job, as her mom. Aww, a balancing act indeed.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Red Community.

I discovered my thoughts for the day while basking in the sun at Memorial Stadium. First off, GO BIG RED!! It was an awesome game played on a beautiful day.
The interesting thing is how a football game brings people together. Not just together in the same area physically, but emotionally. The community and camaraderie that's displayed is amazing!! I mean, we come in contact with tons of people on a daily basis and don't even look their way, let alone talk to them. But, get a bunch of Husker fans together, throw on a game, add a little food to the mix, and voila' - friends!! People are chatting and high-fiving makes you feel good to see that. So, why can't we have that each and every day with different people?? I think it'd make this world a little less scary, and a bit more lively.
Whatdya say?? Are you with me??

Thursday, September 30, 2010

We gotta forge ahead, Helen.

Gone are the days of Scooter's, as of today. Well, for my family, at least. No more saying, "My dad is the president, my brother is director of social media, and my mom is customer service." No more dream job of being a graphic designer working from home. No more making my own drinks. No more fun, odd jobs. No more traveling places to train or hand out smoothie samples from a backpack. Sad times.
But, we gotta forge ahead...move on. I think it will be good. Good for my family and our blood pressure. But, where to get coffee?? Starbucks?? I guess that's where I will, since I will be working there. :)
It's just a cup of coffee...right??

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Oh, what the heck to do with, that is. I first have to say I absolutely love being a mom! I also want to take pictures (which I occasionally do), I want to create things (like artsy, crafty things, which I occasionally do), I want to travel, I want to be content (which I occasionally am), and a lot of other things (yep, you guessed it, I occasionally do). :)
Why do I get bored so easily? Why am I always looking for the next big, fun thing to come along? Why is the grass always greener somewhere else? Why ask why?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I created this blog because Brennan said I should. Now, I don't know what to write about. I don't really go on any adventures, have crazy stories, or expand my earning of any sorts. I can't write about my daughter every time (I could, but think others would get bored of reading that). So, ideas? Brennan? Which, by the way, hasn't written in your blog too much.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Love. I love a lot of things. Frozen pizza..which I am enjoying right now. But mostly, I LOVE being a Mom!! I love my daughter. She is super fun (and not to mention the cutest ever!!). My goal everyday is to get her to laugh..and it's easy. She makes me laugh, smile, check my heart, not be lazy, and so many other things. I need to learn from my experience with her. I need to remember the joy she has and gives when I am around others. I need to try and brighten their day as she brightens mine. LOVE it. LOVE her. LOVE laughter. LOVE smiles. Thank you, God, for my beautiful ray of sunshine with the orange slice smile!!!!
What do you love??

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bitter Beer Face

I felt like it was time to write some more. After debating on what topic, I decided to share my heart. It is filled with bitterness and has been for a while now. In one hand, I know I should forgive and let it go. In the other hand, there is a fist holding on tight to stipulations of even beginning the forgiving process. Does that make sense? I don't know why it is so hard for me to free myself and others of this disease.
Well, what are your thoughts?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Here you go, Brennan

So, I am starting this blog because my brother wanted me to. So, here you go, Brennan. It took me a while to create a name and I am not too crazy about it, but it's a start. I can always change it, right??
Now what?? What to write about..
The name, I suppose. Skippy. A long time ago, I was living with the Slat's. Nancy asked what my nickname was and I said I didn't have one. My brother and a cousin called me Nan, but who wants to be called that all the time?? Not me. So, Nancy said since I was so happy-go-lucky, my name shall be Skippy. And here I am.
Tell me your nicknames and how you got them?? If you don't have one, create one.
Thanks! :o)